Iowa Academy of Science


IAS Institutional Membership

This membership category includes academic institutions and non-profit organizations with goals and missions aligned with the Academy. Learn more about the Academy on our homepage at or contact the IAS office here:

To join online please enter the email of your institutional contact person and click 'Next.' You will be able to pay securely online by credit/debit card or print an invoice and pay by mail. The Academy does not accept credit/debit card payments by phone or by mail. 
Institutional - $125.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: November 1st No automatically recurring payments

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If you do not have an email address or do not wish to provide it to IAS you may contact the IAS office at 319-273-2021.

Iowa Academy of Science, BRC 50, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0508

Phone: 319 - 273 - 2021


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